What are the top companies hiring Unity developers in Bangalore?

**Top Companies Hiring Unity Developers in Bangalore:

Unleashing Your Potential in Game Development**

Bangalore, often referred to as India’s Silicon Valley, is a hub for technology enthusiasts and innovators. Among these tech professionals, Unity developers are in high demand due to the growing gaming industry. Here’s our compilation of top companies in Bangalore that actively hire Unity developers:

1. Electronic Arts (EA)

Electronic Arts (EA), a globally recognized name in the gaming industry, has its presence in Bangalore with its studio, EA SPORTS. They are constantly on the lookout for skilled Unity developers to work on their popular sports games.

2. Dhruva Interactive

Dhruva Interactive is an Indian gaming company that specializes in creating educational and entertainment games for various platforms using Unity3D. Their studio in Bangalore offers opportunities for Unity developers to showcase their creativity and technical prowess.

3. Zynga

Zynga, the renowned social game developer, has its development center in Bangalore. They frequently hire Unity developers to create engaging games for their massive user base on various platforms.

4. Ubisoft Pune Studio

Ubisoft, a leading global publisher and developer of interactive entertainment, has its Indian subsidiary, Ubisoft Pune Studio, in Bangalore. They value the contributions of Unity developers for creating immersive gaming experiences.

5. Wipro Technologies

Wipro Technologies, an IT consulting and services company, offers opportunities for Unity developers in their Games & Simulation division. Their projects include developing interactive games and simulations using Unity3D.

6. Capgemini Technology Services India Ltd.

Capgemini is a global leader in digital transformation and technology services, with its Indian operations based in Bangalore. They frequently hire Unity developers to work on various gaming and simulation projects for their clients worldwide.

7. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), an IT consulting and services company, offers positions for Unity developers in their Interactive & Media division. Their focus is on creating immersive experiences using Unity3D for various industries.

These top companies represent only a fraction of the potential employers available to skilled Unity developers in Bangalore. With the ever-evolving gaming industry and increasing demand for interactive applications, there’s never been a better time to explore opportunities as a Unity developer in this vibrant tech hub.